The Benefits of Sea Moss for Your Stomach

Sea moss is a type of seaweed that has been gaining traction as a superfood due to its high nutrient content. It is a pointed, ruffled marine vegetable that looks like frisée lettuce when it's in the ocean. It is usually harvested to extract carrageenan, a gelatinous substance that the food industry often uses as a thickener. Sea moss is packed with iodine, making it an ideal choice for people with hypothyroidism, a condition in which the body doesn't produce enough thyroid hormones, which regulate the body's metabolism.

In addition, the sea moss gel contains large amounts of potassium, an essential mineral that promotes muscle contraction and blood pressure control. Sea moss is also a good source of fiber and live bacteria, and it is high in minerals such as iodine, potassium and calcium, as well as vitamins and proteins. The most common varieties that grow in warmer waters are generally red and are often called Irish moss.Eating too much sea moss can cause stomach discomfort, such as nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. This is because the digestive system is full of bacteria, some good and some bad.

And because gut health is related to overall health, balancing those bacteria is an important element for your well-being. In a study conducted with worms, sea moss extract was shown to reduce stiffness and slowness of movement. Sea moss also drew attention last fall, when a wave of plant fans posted a panic on social media that the Food and Drug Administration was going to ban all products derived from sea moss, possibly due to certain unproven health claims.

How to Prepare Sea Moss

First, wash the sea moss and then soak it in cold water for a full day, changing the water frequently and removing any dirt you see. You'll know that your sea moss is ready to use when it doubles in size and becomes white and gelatinous.

The Benefits of Sea Moss

One of the reasons sea moss has recently been touted as a superfood is that it's a vegan, gluten-free source of many nutrients. Like other marine vegetables, sea moss is also a good natural source of iodine, a micronutrient needed for thyroid health.

Much of the micronutrient and fatty acid content of marine vegetables depends on the environment in which they grow. As with seaweed, the nutritional value of sea moss can vary widely, making it difficult to know exactly what it contains and in what quantities. Sea moss can be a relatively low-calorie means of adding more nutrients to the diet. Eating sea moss can help balance your gut bacteria and promote overall health. It can also help reduce stiffness and slowness of movement.

Sea moss is also rich in iodine which helps regulate your metabolism.

Kellie Provorse
Kellie Provorse

Hardcore music buff. Professional beer ninja. Hardcore web junkie. Friendly twitter nerd. Lifelong troublemaker.

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